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Changing behavior takes effort and endurance-
but you must give yourself 

Grace and Grit Logo
Grace and Grit Logo

We empower parents to change behavior by giving them strategies to make effective and long lasting changes that affect and benefit the whole family.

Kid Playing with Bubble

How We Help


Online Programs

We offer four online courses that discuss topics parents reach out to us most about- communication, focusing and completing tasks, problem behaviors and dropping the pacifier. Each course is designed for you to complete at your own pace and on your own time. 


Parent Support Groups

Ready to start Potty training? Need help conquering a nighttime routine or troubleshooting sleep? Have concerns about problem behaviors? Join a parent support group! These groups last 6 weeks and we pair you with parents who want to learn about the same topic. The result- expert help with a built in community.


Private Consultation

If you need additional help or are facing behaviors that you feel are to severe to be addressed in a support group then you can work directly with us. We meet with you on an as needed basis and work alongside you and your family to develop a plan for you to implement with our support.


Preschool Social Groups- ATL

If you are local to the Atlanta area and are interested in a social group  where pre-k kids are encouraged to play, communicate and everyone belongs, join us!


Our first Social Group is in the works sign up now!


Free Resources and Products

Check out our store where we have loads of free resources that you can use at home. We also have products and stories for sell that can help your little one with big changes in their lives such as - new sibling, deployment, sleep troubles and more!


Parenting with Grace and Grit Podcast

We believe every family should have access to the information and resources we share so that they can change behavior at home too, which is why we created our weekly podcast. Each week we give you 3 strategies for common topics - car rides, homework, haircuts and more!

Check Out our Weekly Podcast

Parenting with Grace and Grit Podcast

We've created this podcast to provide you data proven tips & strategies to help you teach your children new skills and work through behaviors. The best part? We keep it short and sweet- about 10 minutes! In each episode, we dive into a specific topic and share the top 3 strategies we recommend, as behavior analysts, to work on these behaviors. From managing tantrums to improving mealtime behavior, we cover it all. Our goal is to ensure all families have the support they need. With a whole lot of grace and a little bit of grit we can help our children thrive!

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